The Arsenal Files 3
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█████ OS/2 Support
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20MEMU.ZIP 94937 11-10-94 IBM EWS VERSION 1.3. OS/2 2.X GA (INCL. WARP)
30APR1.ZIP 150338 11-28-94 * APAR LISTING IN .INF FORMAT. PKZIP 2.0
FORMAT * OS/2 3.0 WARP and BonusPak.
4047OD1.EXE 890952 10-04-94 Driver Disk of the Installation Utilities
version 4.01 for the ValueWriter 600 Lexmark,
4047 5E.
4076COS2.EXE 866524 10-04-94 OS/2 Setup/Driver Disk version 4.04 for the
ExecJet IIc 4076 by Lexmark.
4DOS55A.ZIP 269113 10-12-94 4DOS 5.5 <ASP> - The award-winning
COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOS, PC-DOS,
DR DOS, and OS/2, with command enhancements,
over 50 new commands, many other features.
Part A, see 4DOS55B.ZIP for part B. For
optional reference manual see JP4REF.ZIP.
Shareware, $49 full registration.
4DOS55B.ZIP 303813 10-12-94 4DOS 5.5 <ASP> - The award-winning
COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOS, PC-DOS,
DR DOS, and OS/2 with command enhancements,
over 50 new commands, many other features.
Part B, see 4DOS50A.ZIP for part A. For
optional reference manual see JP4REF.ZIP.
Shareware, $49 full registration.
4OS216A.ZIP 93790 10-12-94 4OS2 2.5 <ASP> - The enhanced command
processor for OS/2. Command enhancements,
over 50 new commands, many other features.
16-bit files, part A, for OS/2 1.x and 2.0.
Skip this file and see 4OS232A.ZIP for 32-bit
part A; for all other files (part B) see
4OS225B.ZIP. Optional reference manual in
JP4REF.ZIP. Shareware, $69 registration.
4OS225B.ZIP 346912 10-12-94 4OS2 2.5 <ASP> - The enhanced command
processor for OS/2. Command enhancements,
over 50 new commands, many other features.
This file contains help, docs, etc. Also see
part A in 4OS216A.ZIP (16-bit, OS/2 1.x and
2.0) or 4OS232A.ZIP (32-bit, OS/2 2.1 and
above). Optional reference manual in
JP4REF.ZIP. Shareware, $69 registration.
4OS232A.ZIP 129777 10-12-94 4OS2 2.5 <ASP> - The enhanced command
processor for OS/2. Command enhancements,
over 50 new commands, many other features.
32-bit files, part A, for OS/2 2.1 only. Skip
this file and see 4OS216A.ZIP for 16-bit part
A; for all other files (part B) see
4OS225B.ZIP. Optional reference manual in
JP4REF.ZIP. Shareware, $69 registration.
586NPX.ZIP 2982 12-19-94 586NPX OS/2 Device Driver to "turn off"
Pentium floating point operations
7027_US.ZIP 2401505 12-15-94 DB2/2 v1.0 Query Manager Select Pak WR07027
containing fixes since WR07015. Supercedes
WR07022. Requires prequisite of WR07015.
800INF.ZIP 151064 11-09-94 Used to Provide Feedback regarding the
"Personal Systems Support Family Support
Center User's Guide" and "Personal Systems
Support Family Problem Reporting Guide"
AFIX042.ZIP 51332 09-21-94 AFIX V0.42 An EchoArea Manager by Jesper
Brondum, supports Squish, autocreate,
autolink and maintenance by downlinks
AH274X.TXT 583 12-19-94 WARPTIPS Hang info on AH274x cards
AHA164.ZIP 14935 12-07-94 AHA164 WARP Adaptec 164x fix. APAR= PJ16074,
ALBT163.ZIP 425906 12-02-94 ALBATROS CD Player is a compact disk (CD)
player for OS/2 2.x which will allow you to
play your compact audio disks. Features
Repeat Track, Repeat Disk, Random Play, Intro
Play, Program Play, Remembers the program for
each CD, LCD Style Display with customizable
font, Remembers Titles and Tracks, Displays
Title and Track of CD while Playing or while
iconized, and more. Requires an OS/2
supported CD-ROM capable of playing audio.
ALPHAL.ZIP 561944 11-04-94 OS/2 - Presentation Manager C Program. This
procedure is called before Alpha writes the
line of text.
AMOS310.ZIP 41237 11-18-94 AMOS v3.10 AMOS v3 is a TSR for mounting HPFS
drives from DOS: Fast! NOT Crippleware
Reliable! Read Only driver Works with all of
your DOS/Win apps! Release date: 18th
November 1994
ANS004.ZIP 295779 11-06-94 - Answering Machine application For OS/2 2.x
and beyond - Works with voice modems with a
Rockwell chips ~~~~~ This is an update to the
0.03 version, this v fixes some instability
and ads a few minor fe to the user interface.
APMTST.ZIP 191808 09-27-94 IBM EWS. PM Automation Tool. Drive a PM
application running on the same or a
different PC.
AQUANAUT.ZIP 229973 09-28-94 An OS/2 PM MMPM/2-enabled shoot-em-up arcade
ATAPI.ZIP 46790 12-12-94 IBM OS/2 2.x/3.x IDE CD Driver for IDE CD-ROM
BERN231.ZIP 487733 12-12-94 Version 2.31 (date 12/12/94) drivers for
Iomega's Bernoulli boxes.
BITVUE12.ZIP 59226 11-03-94 Freeware multi-file bitmap viewer with drag
and drop capabilities ver 1.2. Requires
VROBJ.DLL. Old ver was bmpview1.zip. Does NOT
replace BMPVIEW3.ZIP (different author).
BLANKER4.ZIP 181317 09-21-94 PM screen saver for OS/2 2.x
BMP2TEX1.ZIP 36984 09-04-94 BMP2TEX - BitMap to LaTeX converter Converts
Windows3 or OS/2 2.00 bitmaps to LaTeX files.
Executable for OS/2 2.xx. Ansi C source
included. *PUBLIC DOMAIN*
BM_WARP.TXT 4341 12-29-94 Tips on solving problems with BackMaster
under Warp.
BOOTOS2.ZIP 91708 11-11-94 OS/2 v2 Boot System Create Utility
BSAD_D.ZIP 204760 09-21-94 add-on for BocaSoft WipeOut screen saver for
OS/2 2.x
BUMMER.ZIP 164212 11-01-94 Bummer for OS/2 is an OS/2 PM adaptation of a
classic board game. Great graphics and very
addicting. NOTE! Must be run at 800 x 600 or
BZGREP20.ZIP 163907 11-02-94 Freeware grep for OS/2.
C00005.TXT 1405 12-19-94 WARPTIPS C0000005 on Diskette 1
CCAMET.ZIP 22216 09-20-94 CCaMeter OS/2 CPU Activity Monitor. Displays
amount of CPU being used on a SMALL Bar Graph
located at bottom/left corner of DestTop
screen. Uses small amount of memory and
almost no CPU time.
CCNIAK.ZIP 7492 11-23-94 This command can be used for starting a SLIP
connection to a TIA provider from OS/2 Warp
Internet Access Kit. This starts slip from an
os2 window rather than using the PM interface.
CDDRVR.ZIP 94313 11-21-94 All the CDDRVR fixes for WARP to get around
CD Install problems.
CENVI2.ZIP 337544 12-10-94 CENVI FOR OS/2 VERSION 1.009 <ASP>
CEnvi gives the OS/2 professional a complete
C-like environment, including the standard
library and kernel/DLL calls, in an easy-to-
use form and all in one 150K executable. Now
'C' is as easy to use as a batch file, and
can even mix with batch or REXX.
CFGBETA.ZIP 600644 11-25-94 CFGBETA.ZIP if a final and general beta of
version 3 of CNFGINFO.EXE. This program is an
excellent utility for learning about and
optimizing your OS/2 config.sys file. I need
your feedback!
CHATR.ZIP 74747 12-01-94 ChatterBox V3.50. Sends and receives messages
over a LAN. Similar to programs that display
and change text on screen with data from a
text file, except it's input by users, and
displayed on everyone's screen.
CHKSTO.ZIP 1213804 11-24-94 OS/2 - Transfers control to LOGON resource
which has all the code needed to run logon
CRON.ZIP 4432 10-11-94 Simple but efficient and functional UNIX cron
clone for OS/2.
CS4231.ZIP 89696 09-29-94 Thinkpad Crystal Semi 4231 Audio Device
Driver for OS/2
CTL0008.LST 26255 10-19-94 CSET++ Readme File
CTL0008.ZIP 1523386 09-25-94 Class Libraries Grouping (Informal) (For
Version 2.0)
CTM0008.LST 29339 10-19-94 CSET++ Readme File
CTM0008.ZIP 2431065 09-27-94 Class Libraries Grouping (Informal) (For
Version 2.1)
CTS0009.LST 31763 01-04-95 C Set ++ Class Libraries Source Version 2.01
Fixes List
CTS0009.ZIP 1645727 12-08-94 C Set ++ Class Libraries Source Version 2.01
CTU0003.LST 12010 11-15-94 CSET++ README FILE
DATABASE.TXT 603741 11-17-94 11/15/94. Database.txt file from OS/2 Warp V3
DFB16.ZIP 58764 12-05-94 >>>>>>>> Data Flow Benchmark v1.6 <<<<<<<<
Determines the cpu type, size and properties
of cache, main memory and video adapter.
Tests memory bandwitdh and data throughput
between these components. OS/2 2.x required.
Lots of fixes and improvements.
DISKIO14.ZIP 20098 11-04-94 This is a simple fixed disk benchmark for
DNTRDY.TXT 1339 12-19-94 WARPTIPS Drive Not Ready Error comments
DRPNZIP.ZIP 31380 11-06-94 PM Interface to Zip/Unzip (req. VROBJ.DLL).
DSIOW2.ZIP 7522 11-30-94 -=[ DSiOW/2 ]=- Its Finaly Here! Dos SysOps
In an OS/2 World Issue 2. A MUST for all
SysOps Running a Dos Based BBS Under OS/2.
Download this Today!!!
DSN4OA.ZIP 114724 12-15-94 Developer Support News. 1994 issue 15
DTCSCSI.EXE 40369 10-18-94 OS/2 - DOS - WINDOWS drivers for the DTC SCSI
EABRWS03.ZIP 43159 11-11-94 Browser/editor for extended attributes, WARP
update (beta). By Henk Kelder.
EDMI2-10.ZIP 161300 11-08-94 EDM/2 Electronic Developer's Magazine Volume
2 Issue 10
EDMI2-11.ZIP 255599 12-05-94 EDM/2 Electronic Developer's Magazine Volume
2 Issue 11
ENTRTAN4.ZIP 194225 09-15-94 Entertainment pack for OS/2. 6 PM games.
ETLR21B3.ZIP 1064128 09-19-94 E-Teller bank/ccard management utility
Filename:- ETELR21b.ZIP - Version 2.1 of
E-Teller, a bank and credit card account
management utility for OS/2. Refer to
whats.new for new/fixed features.
EWSCAT.TXT 74530 11-20-94 IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software Catalog
FAN_240.ZIP 212196 12-20-94 FAN is a comprehensive file announcing
program for BBS systems running under OS/2 or
DOS. It incorporates many features not found
in "all in one" file processing packages.
Support for 1600+ file areas, FAN is ideal
for large FDN or Satellite based sites.
Announcements can be sent to ASCII text
files, *.PKT files, *.MSG, Squish, or JAM
formatted message bases. Messages can be
customized using FAN macros
FC2_121.ZIP 181332 11-28-94 File Commander/2 v1.21, Norton Commander(TM)
(DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file
management functions, program launch, text
viewing and editing facilities in 32 bit OS/2
text mode.
FILEB190.ZIP 336650 11-27-94 FileBar 1.90 - Utility for OS/2 2.x and Warp
v3.0. FileBar is an application launch
facility & shell replacement for OS/2. Uses
less memory than IBM's WPS and gives more
memory back to your applications. Great for 4
or 8 MB systems and has passwording features
which make it ideal for network environments!
Contains bug fixes and some new features!
FLEETB98.ZIP 767111 12-21-94 FleetStreet 0.98wb for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM is a
flexible and powerful FTN message reader for
Squish & *.MSG areas, multithreaded, 32 bit,
CUA'91, drag'n'drop, highly configurable,
engl., german and italian version, requires
SquishP 1.1x! Now with Rexx support!
FM2_214.ZIP 579685 10-31-94 FM/2 v2.14 An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit
file/directory/ archive maintenance package
with plenty of bells and whistles a Swiss
army knife for OS/2.
FODDER.ZIP 80864 09-29-94 A take off of the old Apple 2 game Snakebite
FPAK953.ZIP 52783 09-21-94 Fix-Pack for FleetStreet 0.95wb, updates
0.95wb to 0.95.3wb. Solves problems when
updating from 0.90wb. Solves WARPII problems.
Fix for 0.95.2.
FSP2-10A.ZIP 282727 12-13-94 FSP port to OS/2 version 1.0a. TCP/IP 2.0 and
FTL08.ZIP 10359 09-27-94 FTL - FTPD Tracefile Logger - generates usage
reports from FTPD -t tracefiles.
FULLPACK.ZIP 273226 12-22-94 Revision 1.00. Want to set up your BBS under
OS/2 but not sure where to begin?
FULLPACK.ZIP contains everything you'll need
from start to finish to get your DOS-Based BB
up and running under OS/2 with minimal
downtime. FULLPACK includes sample batch file
various bug fixes, the newest SIO drivers,
and anything else you'll need to get you on
your way!
GAMEREV1.ZIP 416240 10-22-94 OS/2 Games - Electronic Magazine Review
GBU106.ZIP 66523 11-05-94 Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.06 Hardware
that has been tested against OS/2. Some
works, some doesn't.
GENDACS3.ZIP 93995 12-11-94 Utility for running SVGA on S3 card w/ GENDAC
GENINS.TXT 1080 12-19-94 WARPTIPS General Install Problems
GIGP1106.ZIP 456850 11-07-94 GIGO (pre 1.00) - Fidonet<->UUCP Gateway Pkg.
Features services such as ftpmail server,
mail- list->echo conversion, moderating of
newsgroups thru fidonet mail, sysop-defined
mail/news headers, wildcard gateway
translations, full node/net/zone routing
security, CC:, multiple routing style, full
bang!path support,
GOPHER.ZIP 441827 11-08-94 This version of Gopher is exactly the same as
the version supplied with the Bonus Pack in
OS/2 Warp: it is made available for those
users who cannot yet upgrade to OS/2 Warp
GOSERV.ZIP 86951 11-18-94 Using Goserve as an HTTP (World Wide Web)
GO_13.ZIP 19729 09-29-94 GO! v1.3 - List, switch to and Kill running
GRP2FLD.ZIP 13881 11-04-94 Convert Windows .GRP files to real OS/2
Workplace Folders. GRP2FLD: Another great
OS/2 product from The Netherlands.
GSCD4X.ZIP 12553 12-04-94 OS/2 Goldstar R400/R420 CD Driver 94/12/04.
CD driver for the Goldstar (Reveal MFX18 kit)
R420 CD drive.
GWHANG.TXT 440 11-30-94 WARPTIPS GATEWAY Hang and need for new BIOS
HALOS2.ZIP 364918 12-22-94 Halite Update for WARP
HELR21.ZIP 418659 09-21-94 OS/2 arcade game with MMPM/2 sound. Fly a
helicopter in different battlefields & rescue
all hostages.
HERCOS.ZIP 2579 12-04-94 Installing Tseng W32 Video Drivers.
Instructions, not incl. w/Warp, may apply to
other Tseng W32 video adaptors. If video card
has Tseng W32 chips and have trouble with
Windows or video resolution, procedures may
solve pro
HHGOS28.ZIP 11948 09-17-94 The Hitchhiker's Guide to OS/2 version 2.8
HPFS2F.TXT 11866 11-15-94 Convert HPFS to FAT. Bought Stacker 1.1 for
OS/2 and DOS; had to convert my main drive to
FAT. There is no information going this way
instead of the other. It was an adventure;
many tricks and bugs presented themselves.
HPFSTL16.ZIP 57220 12-22-94 PM HPFS-Undelete & Sector Editor (no DELDIR
HSWTCH05.ZIP 45977 12-30-94 Ver. 1.6. Switch sessions in OS/2 from within
full screen sessions. OS/2 and DOS - not
WIN-OS/2. New: added color support,
messagebar, killing/closing session. By Henk
HTMLWIZ.ZIP 480450 11-07-94 Beta release of HTML Wizard for OS/2, an HTML
editor. Not all tags are implemented yet.
IBB124.ZIP 193290 09-24-94 Itty-Bitty Black Book/2 Version 1.24,
Replaces/Updates LBB2_123.ZIP, 32-bit PM
multi-media aware Address Book.
IBMKBD.TXT 760 12-19-94 WARPTIPS IBMKBD.SYS TRAP after replacing
ICONT180.ZIP 58490 11-18-94 Icontool vs 1.80. Manipulate with icons and
objects on your Desktop. WARP update. By Henk
ICPACDN1.ZIP 1295364 10-03-94 3 Oct/94 refresh. Disk 1 of 2, PS
Configurator (OS/2 version). Some price
changes, bug fixes, flow improvements.
IDE.TXT 2685 12-19-94 WARPTIPS List of IDE Drives supported.
IDEFAQ00.ZIP 12335 09-15-94 Frequently Asked Questions on IDE controllers
and drives. Includes the new ATA-2 specs.
Version 0.
IDX2HTML.ZIP 3424 12-11-94 Convert Hobbes FTP 00index.txt files to html
format for use on Web servers.
INIMT33A.ZIP 909018 11-08-94 IniMaint v3.3, for maintaining and
manipulating INI files.
JLIST01.ZIP 209760 10-09-94 JList is a program which is able to display
text files which have Japanese characters
(Kana and Kanji) in them.
JP4ADD.ZIP 23060 10-12-94 *Optional* ASCII reference manual Addendum fo
4DOS 5.5, 4OS2 2.5, and 4DOS/NT 2.5. Only
useful if you have a printed Reference Manual
for 4DOS 5.0 / 4OS2 2.0 / 4DOS/NT 2.0. For
4DOS files see 4DOS55A.ZIP and 4DOS55B.ZIP,
for 4OS2 see 4OS216A.ZIP, 4OS232A.ZIP, and
4OS225B.ZIP; for 4DOS/NT see 4DOSNT25.ZIP.
JULIAN.ZIP 21527 12-31-94 Allows you to see date in the 1-365 (0-364)
... or other silly format ...
KA2_11.ZIP 410537 09-20-94 Kitchen Assistant/2 ver 1.1 - A PM recipe
manager for OS/2. Search for recipes based on
word(s) in title, Group, or ingredient.
Metric/USA conversion. Imports Meal-Master,
compChef, MasterCook. Shareware
KORT_IMG.ZIP 25858 11-12-94 KORT_IMG converts a large disk image (for use
with VMDISK) into a smaller one, the total
length of all files as mentioned in the
directory of the diskette.
LCD100G2.ZIP 45210 10-13-94 LoraCD 1.00g2 Evaluation - TRY ME - [] Add
CD-ROM areas to Lora conf. [] Import area
descriptions. [] Hide areas on offline
CD-ROM. [] Lot of cfg for new added areas []
Support up to release 2.40b3 [] DOS and OS2
executables [] Low cost registration ;-) -
LIST1_56.ZIP 751937 10-27-94 LIST2 fileviewer v1.56, for OS/2, DOS & WIN32.
LISTDL.ZIP 109553 10-25-94 LISTDLL.CMD is an OS/2 REXX program which
will build an ASCII file containing a listing
of any DLL conflicts found in LIBPATH in
CONFIG.SYS as well as creating a sorted list
of all "addressable" DLLs by DLL name.
LMSPBL.TXT 1024 12-19-94 WARPTIPS Philips LMS drive /m Problem
LOUTIP.ZIP 32710 11-28-94 Lou Miranda's Tips for OS/2 Warp. This is a
zipped INF file that graphically shows some
useful tips for beginner and intermediate
OS/2 Warp users. Updates planned, suggestions
are welcome!
LR11B.ZIP 11720 09-03-94 LinkRight Patch 1.1B, a pair of parallel port
drivers (LRPAR02.SYS for MCA, LRPAR.SYS for
others) which fix bugs in the earlier
LSESSERV.NWS 7024 10-04-94 OS/2 1.3, ES & LS ServicePaks, SelectPaks
LSTBX4.ZIP 313319 10-28-94 Replacement for OS/2 list box.
M32V85.ZIP 934473 09-23-94 ATI Mach 32 Drivers for OS/2.
MADPOP10.ZIP 6236 09-21-94 MADPOP.CMD - Ultra-simple REXX-based POP3
Client for OS/2 2.X.
MANGLER2.ZIP 78926 12-19-94 MANGLER2! OS/2 Version of Micro-Neil's
Encryption software. Streaming private key
encryption system changes the key with each
new byte of data.. even if the key gets
stolen, a spy would find it useless unless
they had ever
MAXSRT12.ZIP 32404 12-05-94 MAXimus CBCS User Sort and Maintenance
Utility V 1.2 (OS/2+DOS)
MCLIP.ZIP 54734 10-14-94 ManyClip provides multiple OS/2 PM text
clipboards. Version 3.3.
MD2_10B2.ZIP 486230 09-05-94 MainDoor 1.00 (pre-release) - Powerful native
32-bit mailer. Autoinstall, menu driven
setup, no need for fossil or nodelist.
Support for 20 AKAs, file request processor,
CHAT during file transfer. Support for
On-line time nodelist flag. A MUST for all
points and nodes.
MEDPM101.ZIP 32227 11-14-94 * MUEd/PM Version 1.01 * Copyright 1994,
Craig Morrison A simple PM based user editor
for Maximus v2.xx. Freeware.
MESA.TXT 4182 11-20-94 November 7, 1994. Athena Design, Inc. Ships
Mesa(TM) 2 for OS/2(R)
MFILE121.ZIP 131772 10-27-94 MaxFile/2 v1.21 - A text based FILES.BBS
manager for OS/2. Written specifically with
the OS/2 sysop in mind. FILE_ID.DIZ import,
archiver and viewer functions, all files
list, nightly maintinance, and much much more!
MFJOBPAT.ZIP 22714 11-18-94 Automatically patch mfjob-files created by
MILES2.ZIP 25242 09-15-94 Mile Bones/2 is a driving card game.
MIME64.ZIP 26772 11-05-94 This archive contains a 32-bit OS/2
executable for MIME64, a MIME en-/decoder. To
use it, you need the emx runtime package (the
DLLs EMXLIBC.DLL and EMX.DLL are required.)
MKBKO020.ZIP 4407 10-23-94 This is a simple, but nevertheless quite
useful REXX script that can be used to create
program objects for .INF and other
documentation files in a simple manner.
MMOUGA94.ZIP 1272757 09-30-94 Mid-misouri os/2 user group newsletter,
August 94. Includes photos from PSP Tech
Update in Atlanta
MOUSEPEN.ZIP 99892 11-23-94 PM Character and Handwriting recognition
program, this example uses a Neural Network.
MPM1_25.ZIP 288610 12-27-94 MaxFile/PM v1.25 - A FILES.BBS manager for
Presentation Manager under OS/2. Drag and
Drop, FILE_ID.DIZ import, archiver and viewer
functions, and much much more! MaxFile/PM is
in a class by itself for managing FILES.BBS
files from your desktop. All BBS's using
FILES.BBS file listings are supported.
MUED102.ZIP 98223 12-22-94 =<* MUEd/PM Professional 1.02 *>= Copyright
1994, Craig Morrison. A powerful PM based
user editor for Maximus v2.xx. Context
sensitive online help, REXX Macros, Tool Bar
and point'n'click access to your user fille!
Shareware, $15.
MUREXX01.ZIP 44425 11-17-94 MaxUserREXX is a REXX callable dynamic link
library. With MaxUserREXX and REXX you can
write REXX command scripts that will allow
you to manipulate your Maximus v2.xx
USER.BBS, LASTUSER.BBS files, and others.
NCFTPB1.ZIP 154306 11-13-94 Beta port of NcFTP, an enhanced FTP program.
NEC260.TXT 3821 11-30-94 WARPTIPS NEC260 Install info
NEC260.ZIP 44531 09-18-94 *BETA* NEC 260 IDE CD-ROM Device Driver for
OS/2 2.x
NECSCSI.ZIP 25676 09-19-94 Drivers for the NEC 16-bit SCSI Adaptor Kit
which includes the Trantor T160 SCSI card.
Included drivers are T160SCSI.ADD (for the
card) and OS2CDROM.DMD (which includes the
newer NEC CD-ROMs).
NSUITE1A.ZIP 960861 09-15-94 NetSuite for OS/2, contains NetSuite news
NNTP Newsreader, NetSuite Gopher and NetSuite
FTP, requires IBM or FTP Software's TCP/IP
product for OS/2.
OFFOPT.TXT 9849 12-19-94 WARPTIPS Other OPTIONAL Service offerings
(fee based)
ONTRAC.ZIP 14977 12-02-94 ONTRAC OS/2 ON-TRACK Files for disks with GT
1024 Cylinders. OS/2 fix for their Disk
Manager 6.03 product.
OS2CAT09.ZIP 80745 11-21-94 An OS/2 PM diskette cataloger.
OS2C_100.ZIP 218878 12-01-94 OS/2-Commander v1.00 - The final File Command
OS/2-Commander is the final Norton Commander
It offers an integrated archive-handling, bet
a user-definable menu, a Tree-function, the m
FIND-function you've ever seen and much more!
support, enhanced sysop features, full networ
and now with WCD support.
OS2FAXES.ZIP 402777 12-29-94 Selection of OS/2 WARP and 2.x fax documents
for problem resolution....
OS2GAMES.EXE 434103 12-26-94 Self extracting zip of updated CHESS and
KLONDIKE for OS/2. MMPM enabled, Drag and
drop, Notebook settings, programable bitmap
sets and more.
OS2P21.ZIP 189527 12-19-94 OS/2 2.11 PCMCIA Socket Services support for
the following AST Laptop models. Bravo, Power
Exec, and Ascentia 900N
OS2P30.ZIP 12574 12-12-94 OS/2 WARP PCMCIA Socket Services support for
the following AST Laptop models. Bravo, Power
Exec, and Ascentia 900N
OS2PCL3.EXE 293466 10-04-94 OS/2 Driver for the IBM ExecJet II 4076
OS2PCL5.EXE 340350 10-04-94 OS/2 Driver version 1.156a for IBM
LaserPrinters 4029
OS2VSCHG.TXT 31165 10-18-94 Warp vs Chicago: The White Paper (ascii
OS2_031A.ZIP 92320 12-23-94 OS/2 multimedia audio support for the
Advanced Gravis Ultrasound line of audio
OS2_03OR.ZIP 417274 12-12-94 OnScreen/2 fileviewer v2.03, for OS/2, DOS &
Win32. Loads OS/2, MAC & Unix text files,
also supports binary files. Features
redirected stdin, hex mode, bookmarks, syntax
highlighting, styles etc.
OS2_141.ZIP 23956 12-14-94 Promise caching IDE Controller drivers v1.41B
with docs explaining how to bypass the
dreaded HPFS INI trashing bug.
OS643A.EXE 833807 01-04-95 Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM drivers for OS/2 2.x
Version 1.03 Disk #1/2.
OS643B.EXE 1198791 01-04-95 Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM drivers for OS/2 2.x
Version 1.03 Disk #2/2.
OSIN5BCD.FAX 2660 11-12-94 WARP5INS. FAX to create your own 5 1/4 in.
diskettes for a CD Version of WARP install.
OSIN5BDS.FAX 2092 11-12-94 WARP5INS. FAX to create your own 5 1/4 in.
diskettes for a Diskette version of WARP
OSLITE11.TXT 210 10-15-94 Executable compression utility
P2P_FT.ZIP 188640 11-29-94 File Transfer for P2P/2. Person to Person
included in OS/2 Warp v3 does not include the
File Transfer utility shipped with the retail
copy of P2P. This file contains the files
necessary to add File Transfer to a P2P/2 inst
PCMTAB.ZIP 63894 11-02-94 PCM OS/2 Compatable Systems
PENT_BUG.ZIP 50545 11-19-94 Small Program to detect whether your CPU has
the FDIV bug recently found in the Pentium.
Executables included for OS/2 2.x and up, and
for DOS, plus (the tiny) source code.
PERFORM.TXT 11376 11-15-94 November 10, 1994. Performance comparison of
OS/2 Warp and WFW.
PFAQ32.ZIP 243969 11-24-94 OS/2 Programming FAQ ver. 3.2
PMCMD.ZIP 647031 10-13-94 Lignum PMCMD v1.1 is a PM interface to OS/2
command shells. It is not a command shell
itself, but it provides many features which
make the use of command line much easier.
PMPOVF.ZIP 930280 09-25-94 POVFrame is an OS/2 PM shell for the raytraci
POV-Ray. Provides WPS DeskTop, point & click,
using either the INCLUDED (text mode) OS/2 co
or the "official" POV Team's DOS compile of P
a simple animation interface for using the PO
option. Also has a DTA control panel for gene
Incl.: POVFRAME, OS/2 compile of POV-Ray 2.2,
programs. Also includes OS/2 INF format POV-R
ShareWare (US $20), not crippled. Requires OS
Version: POVFrame 4.0
PMPOZE.ZIP 130107 09-28-94 PMPoze is a notational composer/player of
digital music files known as MOD files.
PMPZ12.ZIP 144263 11-14-94 Digital Music Composer for MMPM/2. PMPpoze is
a digital music composer/player that runs
under MMPM/2. It is a notational composer and
uses sound samples (SAMs) for musical
PMSTRIKE.ZIP 36258 12-10-94 PM Strike v1.02e. Task list switcher for OS/2
PMWIP101.ZIP 87251 11-29-94 PM WIPE for OS/2 Version 1.01
PM WIPE is an easy-to-use PM program for an
unrecoverable deletion of files and
subdirectories. PM WIPE wipes (deletes) files
and subdirectories by overwriting the files
contents with 'X' characters and deleting all
files and subdirectories so that they cannot
be recovered by the OS/2 UNDELETE command.
PMZPR14.ZIP 667393 12-16-94 PMZipper 1.4 ZIP,UNZIP,Drag & Drop,Checkout.
OS/2 PM. Add,extract,delete,create and view.
ARJ, LZH, ZIP, ZOO, unpack & unpack2.exe WARP
3.0 revision. Archive utility.
PROBLM.ZIP 427886 12-05-94 PMPROBLM OS/2 PM interface for PROBLM.TXT
QW4FIX.ZIP 56015 11-04-94 11/09/94. Quicken 4 (Windows) fix to enable
it to run under OS/2.
RESERV.TXT 3428 01-01-95 OS/2 Warp Reserve.sys usage text. Warp
provides a resource manager to control access
to device resources (ports, memory, irq,
dma). Device drivers have to be modified to
support this. Controls resource allocations
for non
REXXC2.ZIP 21555 12-20-94 REXXCC 2.05, a Tiny REXX "Compiler".
"Compiles" an OS/2 REXX program by
substituting the source code of the REXX
program with any text. The OS/2 REXX
interpreter stores a tokenized copy of each
executed REXX program in EAs
REXXLB.ZIP 240681 09-08-94 REXXLIB - OS/2 REXX function package library.
A collection of over 150 functions designed
to extend the capabilities of REXX in OS/2.
RFLOW100.ZIP 131189 10-01-94 v1.00 - ReFlow: Reflows your FILES.BBS from
HUGE one-line descriptions to smaller, easier
to read descriptions. Most useful to the
Maximus(tm) SysOp tired of the 255 character
description limit. As an added bonus, ReFlow
can also create 4DOS/4OS2(tm) compatible
description files! TWO programs for the price
of one, FREE! OS/2 and bound DOS versions
included. (C)1994 Spudsian Software
ROIDS23.ZIP 243047 09-13-94 Roids 2.3 - A Multimedia PM space demolition
game. Features include: - High speed action!
- 24 Levels! - Nasty Bad Guys! - Cool
Explosions! - MMPM Sound Effects! -
Multi-threaded 32-bit performance! - Lots of
RXDATE11.ZIP 20423 10-09-94 RexxDate is a REXX function package for
manipulating calendar dates.
RX_SLIP.ZIP 46417 10-03-94 Set of REXX programs to monitor a com port
running SLIP, and kill and restart slip if
the carrier is lost. One command file for use
with cron, another standalone.
S3_864D1.DSK 1474560 12-14-94 An OS/2 graphics Accelerator driver
supporting the Vision 864 86C864 chipset from
S3 Incorporated. Disk #1. Use Loaddskf.exe
from LOADDF.ZIP to create diskette
S3_864D2.DSK 1474560 12-14-94 An OS/2 graphics Accelerator driver
supporting the Vision 864 86C864 chipset from
S3 Incorporated. Disk #2. Use Loaddskf.exe
from LOADDF.ZIP to create diskette.
S3_964.TXT 1161 12-19-94 WARPTIPS S3 driver for 964 Inst. from S3 Corp.
S64WAR.TXT 5680 12-29-94 These instructions are for installing the
Stealth 64 Drivers into Warp. This file uses
the Stealth 64 VRAM in it's text, but will
work with the Stealth 64 VRAM, or DRAM.
SCRCRD32.ZIP 488704 09-28-94 track your golf outings, score, handicap
SEAHAV21.ZIP 75294 11-08-94 SeaHaven Towers v2.1 for OS/2 is a solitaire
card game.
SHOWBMP.ZIP 50218 10-27-94 ShowBMP is a 32-bit OS/2 application which
displays OS/2 version 1x and version 2x and
Windows BMP files. It can save a bitmap as an
OS/2 version 1x or 2x BMP file. It supports
cut & paste and screen capture.
SIO140.ZIP 210265 12-08-94 Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.40.
SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the
OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and
VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS
provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support for
DOS programs SIO can be ordered to supporting
any number of ports. Now has a virtual modem
for Internet access.
SJIICX.TXT 2423 12-29-94 DeskScan and Warp and ScanJet IICX. Deskscan
V2.1 runs perfectly under OS/2 Warp if steps
in this file are followed exactly. Will run
in a WIN-OS/2 Separate Session with no
problems. For ScanJet IICX and Switchless
SLIPWARP.ZIP 20952 12-10-94 Configuration files, script, and
documentation on setting up OS/2 Warp's
Internet Software with a third party Internet
Provider (in this case CRIS) for SLIP access.
SPEEDLIM.ZIP 236775 10-18-94 Speed limit bitmap for Warp (by Doug Azzarito)
SVD116.ZIP 130866 12-08-94 Super Virtual Disk driver V1.16 for OS/2 2.1.
SVDisk provides a swappable/lockable/removabl
virtual disk or virtual floppy using OS/2's
advanced memory management facility. Virtual
disk can be anything from 16KB to 16MB, and
virtual floppy supports 360KB to 2.88MB
devices, including XDF device for managing
XDF diskette images in OS/2 Warp Version 3.
Virtual floppy device can be dynamically
reconfigured. You can even create multiple
SVGAKT17.ZIP 47250 10-30-94 This SVGAKIT for emx is an extension of the
fullscreen graphics library of emx.
SWAP.TXT 2091 11-30-94 WARPTIPS SWAPPER usage explaination
TBROWS.ZIP 35544 10-01-94 PM File Browser. This 32-bit, Multi-threaded
program, will display Text files in a PM
window, it is fully customizable, allowing
changes you to choose your favorite font and
screen color combinations.
TEAM09.ZIP 214471 10-26-94 Team OS/2 member list (alphabetical and by
country) as of October 1994
TECHICON.ZIP 26251 11-15-94 A collection of 40x40 256 color icons for the
OS/2 2.x desktop based on a "techie" control
panel type theme. Contains templates for
rolling your own.
TELDR001.ZIP 42185 09-17-94 BBS Door to enable users of an OS/2 BBS to
login to an Internet host.
TETRAVEX.ZIP 29958 12-26-94 Tetravex, Brain teasing game for OS/2 2.x and
3.x PM.
TEXB12.ZIP 1114987 10-10-94 emTeX is an implementation of TeX running on
OS/2 and MS-DOS.
TMFAQ210.ZIP 14885 12-16-94 Team OS/2 Frequently Asked Question list -
TNEW09.ZIP 241481 10-04-94 Team OS/2 newsletter, October 1994
TOOLS53.ZIP 318305 09-12-94 Small collection of misc. system utilities
TRICKS5.ZIP 350672 11-20-94 Stupid os/2 tricks #5. Os/2 tips in .INF
TXT2PS.ZIP 126490 10-29-94 Enhances the usability of OS/2 PostScript
printers by permitting the user to leave the
printer in PostScript mode and still print
text sent to the printer spooler
UCHESS.ZIP 195600 11-07-94 UChess 1.12GA is the first release version of
UChess, a 32 bit pentium optimized PM native
mode chess program. Based on gnuchess 4pl73
with some enhancements to gameplay/chess
ULTRA06D.ZIP 50131 12-27-94 ultra06c.zip - version 0.6c of "The Manley GU
Robert J. Manley's Gravis Ultrasound MMPM dri
USBBSOV1.ZIP 45709 10-15-94 This program will process the USBBSnnn.LST.
Current copies are available monthly, on the
first of each month, from various places via
Internet, and on BBS's.
V21APP.ZIP 3359 12-07-94 Adding OS/2 V2.X Applets to OS/2 Warp 3
94/12/07. The "Add programs" utility under
OS/2 Warp 3 will not migrate your OS/2 V2.x
Productivity and Games applets. Here's how to
add these programs.
V3DOS.FAX 2377 01-01-95 WARP Tips & Hints: Installing OS/2 WARP
Version 3 with DOS CONFIG.BAK. 10/26/94.
VP6384.TXT 854 12-19-94 WARPTIPS ValuePoint 6384 (P60/D) Install Fail
VXFTP42.ZIP 666328 10-12-94 FTP for OS/2, multi-threaded.
W5CRDR.ZIP 1875070 11-03-94 WARP5INS. 5.25 images for WARP CD/NO HPFS
versions. You must UNZIP this file and use
LOADDSKF ( In another file, LOADDF.ZIP,
LDF.COM, or LOADDSKF PACKAGE) to create the 2
W5DRDR.ZIP 1784586 11-03-94 WARP5INS. 5.25 images for WARP DISKETTE
versions. You must UNZIP this file and use
LOADDSKF ( In another file, LOADDF.ZIP,
LDF.COM, or LOADDSKF PACKAGE) to create the 2
WARP.FAQ 3686 12-29-94 This file has answers to some frequently
asked questions about TCP/IP coexistance with
Warp's Internet connection. How to get them
to work together, what's supported, and
what's not.
WARP5INS.PKG 2273 11-11-94 WARP5INS. Package file describing how to use
W5CRDR.ZIP to install OS/2 Warp with 5.25 in.
A drive and 3.5 in. B drive
WARPBT.TXT 6770 12-29-94 Instructions for MANUALLY Creating a Single
1.44 MB Boot Floppy for WARP 3.0 - either FAT
or HPFS file system.
WARPIN.ZIP 105879 12-14-94 WARPTIPS INF file of ALL problems and other
info EXCEPT for the files listed 12/12/94 in
WARPTCP.FAQ 3606 11-15-94 Frequently asked question about WARP and
WCD161.ZIP 86581 11-24-94 Wolfgang's Change Directory v1.61 WCD is a
tool for OS/2 and DOS that allows yo to
change to a directory across all drives an
without to enter the complete path- and direc
name. WCD can create, delete and rename
directories and do an automatic database upda
(c) 1994 by Wolfgang Sarp
WEBEXPB.ZIP 981298 10-24-94 The Web Explorer beta, for users of OS/2 Warp
to connect to World Wide Web services through
WHICHP.TXT 1574 12-19-94 WARPTIPS How to tell WHICH Package you got.
WIMM130P.ZIP 62689 09-30-94 WIMM 1.30; Personal mail scanner for Squish &
*.MSG; updated for Squish v1.10; OS/2 version.
WINSTALL.ZIP 9549 12-19-94 Utility to facilitate installation of
2.10/2.11 WIN-OS/2 Under OS/2 Warp V3
(TM-IBM), including creation of all command
prompts and configuration objects.
WKICKR.ZIP 1747539 11-10-94 WKICKR 'Kicker' diskette images (3.5 inch)
for ALL WARP FixPaks
WPTOOL14.ZIP 185259 12-19-94 WPTOOL maintenance release, see *.txt files
in package! By Henk Kelder.
WRPIN112.ZIP 26813 12-19-94 OS/2 Warp v3 Installation Hints, v1.12,
compiled by Frank McKenney. Tips and fixes
for some specific problems that could appear
during the installation of Warp v3.
WSONY5.ZIP 15627 11-21-94 CDDRVR Sony 535 CD Driver. Fixes for WARP to
get around CD Install problems. Please UNZIP
the REQUIRED file and follow the READ me in
the file for file replacement details and
re-start the Install.
WWWWEB.TXT 1968 11-30-94 WARPTIPS WWW WEB and how supported under WARP
YOVA211.ZIP 96610 10-15-94 Yova/2 1.1 for OS/2 - OS/2 version of Attax.
Similar board, pieces and goal of Othello,
but with different move rules.
YRN2_074.ZIP 513209 11-24-94 PC Yarn v0.74 beta release. Suite of programs
used to store and read USENET news and mail
offline. Imports articles from SOUP files
into a news database.
ZEOS90.TXT 1491 12-19-94 WARPTIPS ZEOS PANTERA P90 Problems
ZIPCT215.ZIP 436474 12-03-94 RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.1.5 <ASP> - Easy OS/2
PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP.EXE
and ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is an
easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields you
from the command line when using the freeware
ZIP.EXE & UNZIP.EXE. Zip & UnZip are
compatible with ZIP files created by the DOS
PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are available on
many BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, the IBM
NSC BBS, and CompuServe.
ZOC200.ZIP 545567 11-14-94 Zap-O-Comm 2.0 - Full featured communications
for OS/2 PM.
ZS102A.ZIP 324572 10-10-94 ZipStream v1.02A is an automatic file
(de)compression Installable File System.
Shareware version suspends automatic
operation (manual decompression still
available) after 30 days.
ZTB100.ZIP 156208 10-17-94 "ZTreeBold" is a text-mode file/directory
manager for OS/2. Based on XtreeGold, this is
a true 32bit multithreaded OS/2 application
which features: Support of long HPFS
filenames, and EAs; flexible support of *ANY*